For Parents


Please bring the following labeled items to keep in your child’s cubbies at TCA. When your supplies run low, the teachers will write it on his/her daily report (infant/toddler only).

Full outfit (including onesie and socks)
Formula (if used)
Expressed milk (single serving portions only) – 1 frozen and labeled with baby’s name and date
Pantry of solids- rice cereal, jars of baby food, etc.
Any snack items (crackers, cookies, etc.)
Pacifier w/guard
Bottles w/nipples and guard – 2 extra

TODDLERS: Any snack items
Fitted crib sheet and blanket

BOTH AGE GROUPS: Blankets- receiving and/or special ones your child is familiar with
Diaper rash ointment
Seasonal items- sunscreen, hats, jackets, mittens, etc.

Tigard Children’s Academy WILL SUPPLY:
Sleeping Blankets
Cribs w/fitted sheets
High chairs
Feeding equipment – bowls, spoons, bibs

*Soiled items will be sealed in a plastic bag and placed with the child’s take home bag.

Nap Time/Rest Time:TCA makes this time a pleasant and comfortable part of your child’s day. We play quiet music and individually say goodnight. All children are required to take a daily rest. While not required to sleep, we do ask them to rest quietly. After a child wakes up or when a child is not able to sleep, we do offer quiet choices.

We ask parents to bring linens for your children on the first day of your child’s school week. Each child must have a fitted crib sheet and blanket that will be kept in his/her designated linen storage area (tote bag, cubby, etc.) Most of the children prefer to rest with pillows, cuddle toy as well and TCA does not have enough to go around. At the end of your child’s school week, his/her linens will be placed in the hallway outside of their respective classroom, so that parents may take them home to be laundered and brought back.

**Most importantly, please remember to bring these items back to TCA on the first day of your child’s school week. **

Meal time and Snack Menus


Each month the meal time and snack menus will be posted for you and your child’s peace of mind. 
**meals and snacks at ORCacademy do NOT include nuts**

Forms and Information Links:

Click on the link for the details/Forms

Tigard CA
